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Quality and environment

Addit advises its clients on quality and environmental matters before starting each project. All of our employees receive quality and environmental training and have a sense of responsibility for quality and environment.

Quality and environment: Addit's sustainability activity

Quality means meeting customer expectations. For Addit, customers and their requirements are a top priority. Our strategy is to deepen our share in our clients’ products and needs to deliver products and diverse services that fully meet customer expectations and ensure satisfaction.

Before starting any project, Addit advises its clients on quality and environmental protection issues. Addit’s involvement in development and design ensures the highest efficiency and lowest costs for our clients’ products. This is achieved by process and quality engineers leveraging their engineering knowledge of technological processes and quality tools such as Poka Yoke, 5Why, Ishikawa diagram, Pareto principle, etc.

All processes and services of Addit are carried out based on documented management systems and meet the principles of continuous improvement. Quality management standards ISO 9001, environmental management ISO 14001, and occupational health and safety ISO 45001 have been integrated. The goal of the Integrated Management System is to increase the quality and environmental awareness of all employees and to build a safety culture. The company adjusts processes to industry standards to meet customer requirements. Standards such as EN 15085-2 (class CL1), DIN 6701 (class A3), EN ISO 3834-2, and DIN 2303 have been certified.

At Addit, every employee feels responsible for quality and the environment, and everyone ensures safe working conditions. This is the result of managing the company according to the Total Quality Management philosophy. Join engagement in improving quality processes leads to improvements in every aspect of the company’s operations. Because quality is everywhere!

September 16, 2024
Tender for transportation services for 2025
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September 12, 2024
Advancing expertise in powder coating technologies
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August 29, 2024
Addit Sp. z o.o. retains Silver EcoVadis medal for 2024
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July 31, 2024
New corrosion protection methods
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