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Each of us is a child

Thursday, June 1, was a fun-filled day. Each of our employees received a lollipop as a reminder that we still have the joy of a child in us.

Our production was also visited by second-grade students of Jan Dobrogost Krasinski Primary School No. 1 in Węgrów. They learned about the world of production and saw how machines work.

At the end of the trip, an additional attraction awaited the children.

Our Health and Safety Specialists, prepared for them a first aid course. The patients were teddy bears, which, after all the treatment, were taken home safely by the children. The children learned how an injured limb should be properly bandaged and how to perform resuscitation. Marlena (Health and Safety Specialist) told the attendees how to behave around an unconscious person, as well as what information to say when calling the Health Service.

Each of us is a child

Each participant of the “course” received a named certificate and various gadgets. The children left Addit’s door with smiling faces and a amount of knowledge, of which we are invariably proud.

On the occasion of Children’s Day, we invited the children of our employees to take part in an art contest organized by the Health and Safety Department. The children were tasked with making a drawing under the theme “Safe Mom, Safe Dad at Addit.”

The contest was divided into 3 age groups so that the chances were even. The participants were children up to 5 years old; children from 6 to 10 years old; and children from 11 to 16 years old.

We received a lot of wonderful workpieces, 74! Among them, we selected a winner from each age category, which was quite a challenge.

How do children perceive the safety of their parents in our company? Check out the works below!

All work together: 

Kids till 5 years old
Kids from 6 till 10 years old.
Kids from 11 till 16 years old.

The winnery work

Hania C. (10 y.o.)
Blanka O. (4 y.o.)
Natalka K. (14 y.o)

The highlighted work:

Patryk M. (6 y.o.)