We have a pleasure to inform that our company has recently gained welding certificate according to DIN EN 15085 CL1 standard for welding rail vehicles as well as parts and products of rolling stock. Its the highest possible level of certification in this field.
Since 2009 Addit has already mentioned standard in class CL2.
Additionally one of our welding engineers obtained license of examiner. Thanks to that we have a possibility of examine on our own welders, who have graduated welding courses organized and run by Addit in house. We have also a possibility of using our training facility to train candidates for welders from outside.
Obtaining both license and certificate shows how high the level of knowledge and commitment in its work represent our employees. Thanks to them we are able to constantly develop our organization and create new workplaces.
Addit since the beginning puts a lot of attention to development of its employees. We take part in external trainings, we host trainers at our place and we transfer knowledge to younger employees. We are focused on continuous improvement.
For eleven years already there is a welding training facility at Addit. Since 2010 we train candidates in welding sheet metals and tubes using MAG, MIG and TIG methods. We cooperate with Welding Institute in Gliwice, Poland, which supports us in our welding activities, enables widening our knowledge and obtaining new certificates.
Every day we care about highest possible quality of the products we manufacture, which has its reflection in results of audits and controls carried out by our partners and certifying institutions.