This challenge, aimed at promoting outdoor physical activity, improved our well-being, increased our energy levels, and positively impacted our health. Sport proved to be an excellent tool for stress relief and a way to cope with daily challenges.
All the kilometers walked, run, and cycled were also a form of support for local initiatives. Participants not only took care of their own health but also helped others. The funds raised enabled us to support three people in our local community who were most in need.
The total kilometers covered were:
- 1 592.22 km through Nordic walking,
- 15 537.3 km by bicycle,
- 2 357.49 km by running.
This is equivalent to three times the length of the entire Amazon River!

The third edition of the Addit Sports Challenge has ended with success!
The challenge saw the participation of:
- 19 Nordic walkers,
- 43 cyclists,
- 18 runners.
Participants not only stayed active but also achieved impressive weekly results. The longest distances in each category were:
- 100.1 km in Nordic walking,
- 647.19 km by bike,
- 98.83 km by running.
Each kilometer converted into funds helped support those in need, making our sporting activity even more rewarding.
As a special reward, those who accumulated the most kilometers each week were awarded vouchers to Martens Sport, a nice gesture to end this sports adventure.

We would like to thank all participants for their effort and commitment. We are thrilled to have completed this challenge together and look forward to maintaining the sporting spirit within our community.