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Exciting internship at Addit

At Addit, we believe in providing young talents with opportunities that contribute to both their academic and personal growth.

This summer, we had the pleasure of hosting a highly motivated and talented student from Algeria, who is currently pursuing Mechatronics. He chose to study in Bialystok, Poland, drawn by the city’s rich educational resources and vibrant culture that foster learning. His decision to join us here is a testament to Poland’s reputation as a place for growth and development.

During his internship, he engaged in a variety of tasks related to automation and engineering projects, contributing to ongoing developments in various Addit’s department. His dedication, enthusiasm, and curiosity were inspiring and added immense value to our team.

Enjoy reading this brief insight into Lahcene’s journey!

How did you come across this internship? What made you decide to apply?

I chose to apply for the internship at Addit because of the variety of experiences it offered. The company specializes in many areas such as CNC machining, different types of painting, welding, prototyping, assembly, and more. I saw this as an excellent opportunity to learn a lot in a short time and gain hands-on experience in sheet metal manufacturing.

What were your first days at the company like? What was the biggest challenge for you?

My first days at Addit were both exciting and insightful. I started with thorough health and safety training, which helped me feel comfortable navigating the facility. After that, I had the opportunity to walk through different departments and observe the entire production process firsthand, from initial planning to the final product.

One of the biggest challenges I faced, was bridging the gap between theory and practice.

To explain briefly, bridging the gap between theory and practice meant taking what I learned in a formal setting and applying it in real world situations, which were often more complex. It required a lot of adaptability and problem solving. At Addit, I gained valuable problem solving skills, learning to adapt quickly to challenges and find practical solutions.

What projects and tasks did you work on during your internship? Was there something that particularly interested you?

I worked mainly in the control room, where I focused on measuring different pieces using various tools like digital calipers, height gauges, optical comparators, and advanced machines like Creaform with VXelements software. I also actively participated in the production of a sample batch, from preparing the optimal process under supervision to helping during actual production. What interested me most was learning to use these modern measurement technologies and understanding the precise quality standards.

How would you describe the work environment here? What kind of relationships did you build with the team?

The work environment at Addit was great. Everyone was friendly and willing to help whenever I needed assistance. I built good relationships, especially with two colleagues, Maciek and Adam, who taught me a lot about measurements and quality control.

What surprised you the most about working at our company?

What surprised me the most was how strict the company is about quality. I saw firsthand how even the smallest imperfection, like a scratch on a material, would lead to repeating the entire process. This level of dedication to delivering perfect results to the customer was impressive and something you don’t see everywhere.

Did you acquire any new skills during the internship? If so, what are they?

Yes, I gained a lot of new skills during the internship, especially in using various measurement tools and machines. I also became familiar with platforms like VXelements and SAP, which helped me improve both my technical and analytical skills. Additionally, learning to prepare optimal technological and logistical processes for products under supervision was a valuable experience.

What moments from your internship stand out the most for you?

One standout moment was when I got to use the Creaform machine for complex measurements. It was fascinating to see how modern technology can make such precise measurements, and it was a rewarding experience to handle these advanced tools.

What are your plans for the future? Are you considering pursuing a career in this field?

Yes, I plan to continue working in this field, and I would love the opportunity to build a career at Addit. The skills and knowledge I’ve gained have really inspired me to continue growing in this industry.

We are grateful to have been part of his journey and to have contributed to his career development. We’re excited to see where his talents will take him in the future and hope to see him again in our company someday.