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Tender for transportation services for 2025

Addit Sp. z o. o. announces unlimited written tender for transportation services.

As the condition for participating in the tender, you must submit an offer by 20th October, 2024 only by email to with the email title “OFFER FOR TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FOR 2025”.

The offer should include:

1. The current copy of the relevant register or other record (not older than issued 3 months prior to the submission of the offer).
2. The price offer for the scope of services provided according to Attachment 1. Only the offer in Excel format will be accepted.
3. The current license and insurance.
4. The completed and signed form F0.300.01 from Attachment 2 and F0.300.06 Rev.02 from Attachment 6.
5. The tenderer’s statement of acceptance of the terms and conditions in full arising from this announcement – Attachment 3.
6. The tenderer’s statement that there is no criminal or non-compliance proceedings against him – Attachement 4.
7. In the case of natural persons, the statement with the following content: “I agree to the processing of presonal data contained in my offer for all needs related to the implementation of the order of transport services (in accordance with the Act of 29th August, 1997 on the protection of personal data Dz. U. nr 133 poz. 833 as amended).” – Attachement 5.

The selection of the transportation services providers will be made on the basis of: price rates, completeness of the services, diversity of the offered rolling stock, evaluation of the previous cooperation, possibility of monitoring the transportationg, and payment system.

Settlement of the tender will take place by 30th November, 2024 at the headquarters of Addit Sp. z o.o.
All tenderers will be notifed of the selection of rejection of their bids by email. Addit Sp. z o.o. will sign a contract of cooperation for transportation services for the entire 2025 year with the tenderes whose offers are accepted through the tender.

Addit Sp. z o.o. reservers the right to conduct additional price negotiations with selected tenderes whose offers are pre-approved, as well as the right to cancel, withdraw or disannul the tender without giving any reason and without the tenderers having the right to make any claims on the account.

Transport services shall be invoiced in accordance with the established currency, i.e. transport services performed at the established EUR rate shall be invoiced at the EUR rate, and the invoice value shall be paid to the EUR account indicated by the supplier without any currency conversion. Transport services performed at the fixed rate of PLN should be invoiced at the rate of PLN conversion, and the invoice value shall be paid to the PLN account indicated by the supplier.

All information about the tender is provided by Ms. Wioletta Szymańska at tel. +48-604-264-200 or by e-mail