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Jan Velmans, Addit’s founder, received a prize

Our company owner has gained recognition for his exceptional contributions to the community and the local economy

Jan Velmans, Addit’s founder, received the prize of “Honorowy Obywatel Miasta Węgrowa” (eng. Honorary Citizen of Węgrów). The ceremony was attended by: his wife, Jeanne Velmans-Faassen, and son, Hendrik Velmans; Jadwiga Snopkiewicz, Chairwoman of the Town Council; Anna Kalicka, Town Secretary; and Marcin Dominik, Director of the Węgrów branch of Addit Sp. z o.o..

Since founding Addmetal Sp. z o.o. in Węgrów in 1995, which later evolved into Addit Sp. z o.o., Jan Velmans has driven the company’s dynamic growth. Addit has become the largest employer in the city, now boasting 800 employees and a 37,000 m² production hall. Moreover, Addit Sp. z o.o. actively sponsors and supports numerous local initiatives, helping out locally.